martes, 10 de junio de 2014

Is Sugar Toxic to Your Body?

Is Sugar Toxic to Your Body? 
The video below shows how sugar not only CAUSES heart disease and diabetes, but also FEEDS tumors and is as addictive as Cocaine to your brain
by Mike Geary - Certified Personal Trainer, Certified Nutrition Specialist
Author of best-sellers:  The Fat-Burning Kitchen  The Top 101 Foods that FIGHT Aging

I think everybody needs to watch this video from a recent 60 Minutes episode to see just how harmful to your health sugar really is.  I don't think most people understand the seriousness of this.  So many people seem to blindly eat and drink loads of sugar each day (Americans consume a whopping 1/3 lb of sugar per DAY on average) without thinking about how this internally affects your body and your biochemistry.
Please share this page with all of your family and friends to help protect their health.

Clic to see the video:

Mike's comments:
As you can see in the video, it should be no surprise to anybody that studies clearly relate excess sugar consumption to obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.
You might argue that some natural sugars have always been in the human diet, so why is this an issue?
Well, yes humans have always eaten small amounts of natural sugars from fruit as part of the ancestral diet, but we've never historically been exposed to the massive amounts of added sugars that we see in today's world of sweetened drinks, candies, cakes, cookies, as well as added sugars in everything from condiments to dressings to tomato sauces.  Especially the massive quantity of sugar exposure from corn syrup!

130 POUNDS of sugar per year (Yuck!)

As you can see in the video, the average American eats a sickening 130 lbs of sugar per person per year, or 1/3 lb per day!  That's just nasty if you ask me, and shows how little most people respect their body, or even think about what they're putting in their body on a daily basis.
The video also mentions that in one controlled study, they replaced 25% of the daily calories of the subjects with sugary drinks, and took continual blood tests.  The tests showed that by replacing 25% of their daily calories with sugary drinks, the subjects increased their dangerous small dense LDL particles in their blood which causes arterial plaque and heart disease.  Yes, in fact, sugar and carbs in general contribute more to heart disease than fats do, as we've covered in depth in this article.
We also need to realize that high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is a relatively new invention in the human diet and is something that your body does not know how to properly handle.  HFCS didn't really become part of the human food supply until the 1970's and now it's found it fairly large quantities in almost every processed food on the grocery shelves.  As the video points out, HFCS consumption is clearly linked to increased heart disease and stroke risk.

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